Barters for goods and services are made for an equivalent money value to my hourly rate for piano lessons and healing work, with an hourly rate for bartered services to not fall below $15 per hour. Barters can be one-time, occasional or on-going. I am happy to entertain other barter proposals, but can’t guarantee that  they will be accepted.


Currently desired goods and services include:


Yard work and landscaping

Tree work

Organic produce

Organic, humanely-raised, free-range eggs, goat dairy products, meat and poultry

Wild game

Certain types of bodywork (rolfing, cranio-sacral, deep tissue massage)

Exterior house washing (not power washing)

Clothing alterations

Sewing lessons, specifically alterations

Composted horse manure, hauled to my garden

Music book binding and repair

A nice sectional or l-shaped sofa, not too large

Wildcrafted, dried elderberries, and other organic or windcrafted medicinal herbs, roots, barks or berries

Good fire wood

Help leveling out a spot for a fire pit, including hauling sand for the project

Qualified direction and help with bathroom remodeling project